Quality politics

Quality Management System – ISO 9001

CLÍNICA FERTIA, a leading company in the field of gynaecology and assisted reproduction, with proven experience and professionalism, establishes as a priority that the services it offers deserve full customer satisfaction in terms of guarantee and quality, strictly complying with national legislation and International law in force within the scope of the company and in particular the scope of its certification according to ISO 9001, GYNAECOLOGY AND ASSISTED REPRODUCTION LABORATORY.

To achieve this, Clínica Fertia has established some general lines of action, to be followed by the entire organization:

  • Satisfy the requirements demanded by the legislation, the clients themselves and those implicated in the service, quantifying, as far as possible, the degree of client satisfaction and other interested parties.
  • Consider and supervise the resources available, both human and related to infrastructure and the work environment, so as to allow compliance with the service requirements.
  • Continuously train staff as a tool to improve the quality of this service.
  • Motivate and enhance the participation of company staff, always considering their ideas and contributions, to carry out projects aimed at improving quality and results.
  • Analyse the incidents and errors that occur to evaluate their causes and thus avoid their repetition in the future.
  • Continuously select and evaluate our suppliers and subcontractors, in order to guarantee the quality of the supplies and services they provide us.
  • Continuously improve, so as to increase the effectiveness of the Quality Management System.

The consequences of these objectives are, above all, the responsibility of the top Management, which undertakes to provide its staff with all the techniques, resources and training means necessary to comply with this Quality System Policy which is available, communicated and applied within the organization and all its stakeholders.

Fuengirola (Málaga), 2018.

The management.

Certificate by: Sociedad Española de Fertilidad