About Us

A dedicated and experienced clinic
At Clínica Fertia we have 20 years of experience in highly complex cases in assisted reproduction, gynaecology, urology, egg donations and many other specialised fertility treatments.
Visit our clinic
In our fertility clinic in Malaga we are a dedicated, caring team, working together in a safe and welcoming environment.
Our approach sets us apart from others, we treat every patient individually offering truly exceptional patient care and have a team of highly qualified professionals always on hand to answer any questions you may have, no question will ever be too big or small.
Among our most demanded fertility services and treatments are In-vitro fertilisation, egg donation, the ROPA method, oocyte vitrification, preimplantation genetic diagnosis, 3D and 4D ultrasounds and non-invasive embryonic genetic test without a biopsy.
At Clínica Fertia we are committed to taking care of women’s health throughout their lives focusing always on each woman’s individual needs.
Visit our fertility clinic in Malaga and discover everything we can do for you and your family.
Years of experience
Our fertility clinic in Malaga opened its doors in 2001 – nearly two decades of assisting couples with fertility problems, both at a national and international level. Currently, we receive patients from Italy, United Kingdom, Denmark, Norway and Sweden and we also collaborate with other centres and specialists in many other countries.
Our success rates
Our success rate is our best endorsement, we think this is a reflection of the care and dedication our professional team puts into helping each and every one of our patients achieve their dream.
At Clinica Fertia we have a success rate of clinical pregnancy from In-vitro fertilisation of 57% and from egg donation close to 63%.
We have been a collaborating centre on the Assisted Reproduction Register of the Spanish Fertility Society since its creation.
success rate from egg donation
success rate from in-vitro fertilisation
success rate from genetic preimplantation
success rate from the ROPA method
The best technical resources
Year after year we incorporate in our clinic the latest advances in the area of assisted reproduction. We invest in the necessary resources to offer our patients new pioneering techniques that have been proven effective by the scientific community, enabling us to offer the best possibilities of success.
Our reproduction laboratory participates in the external quality controls organised by the Spanish Society for Reproductive Biology Studies (Asociación Española para el Estudio de la Biologia reproductive, ASEBIR).
Caring and personalised treatment
We offer a uniquely personalised level of care to all our patients as we understand that facing fertility problems can be overwhelming. We are aware of the psychological, physical and emotional implications of fertility treatments and all our staff are fully committed to each and every one of our patient’s wellbeing. We endeavour, whenever possible that the same professional attends patients throughout their entire process.
We always try to adapt your appointments and treatments to fit in with you and your daily schedule.
In addition, our team of professionals are always on hand to answer any questions you may have, in person, by telephone, via e-mail and through social media.
Clear and straight forward information
Patients who come to Clinica Fertia are informed right from the very first moment and with absolute clarity on the costs of our treatments.
We were the first centre in Spain to publish all our prices on our web page.
At Clinica Fertia we are well aware of the difficult financial times that are currently affecting everyone, which is why we have implemented a policy of low prices, whilst maintaining the quality of our treatments and services.