
What is a Semenogram?

The semen study or semenogram is the most common diagnostic test done in assisted reproduction clinics to evaluate male fertility.

The semenogram is a relatively simple test that provides very detailed and valuable information about the reproductive status of the man. The quality of semen is closely related to lifestyle habits since it is known that factors such as diet or type of work can negatively affect sperm production.

 What does it consist of?

The seminogram test consists of the analysis of a semen sample, at both macroscopic and microscopic levels. At a macroscopic level we analyse the volume of the sample, its pH, color and general appearance. At the microscopic level, we analyse the concentration, mobility and morphology of the sperm. It is also important to evaluate the presence of other non-sperm cells such as leucocytes, epithelial cells, or precursor cells.

On some occasions, the results of the seminogram must be complemented with other tests, such as FISH, DNA fragmentation, semen biochemistry or a study of the man’s hormonal profile.

In some cases, we will recommend repeating the analysis of the last semen analysis between two and three months after the first sample. This is due to the fact that these types of samples present a high variability in the results since spermatogenesis or sperm formation is related to environmental factors. For example, high fever, taking certain medications or supplements, or trauma to the genital region before the test can affect the results.


At Clínica Fertia we normally perform the semen analysis at the first fertility visit. In this way we obtain very precise information on the reproductive status of man during the previous months.

The semen sample must be collected fulfilling a series of indications, which are:


Collected in a sterile container, at the clinic we will provide one or you can buy it at any chemist.


Sexual abstinence between 2 and 5 days.


Always collected by masturbation, never with a condom. It is advisable to wash both hands and glans prior to collection..


Collect the entire sample, if any part is spilt, it must be notified when handing in the sample.


If the sample is collected outside the clinic, it is important to ensure that its temperature does not drop below 20ºC and that it does not undergo sudden changes in temperature. To do this, it must be carried in a pocket close to the body. The time between collection and delivery should be no more than one hour.

Other techniques

In addition to being a fertility diagnosis, a seminogram is also requested as a control in vasectomy cases. The vasectomy is considered to have been correctly performed and therefore contraceptive methods can be abandoned, if no sperm are observed in two consecutive seminograms

Frequently asked questions about reproduction treatments

If you would like more information about our treatments, we are always available to help and answer any of your questions.

How long do I have to wait to start treatment?
If the evaluation is successful, treatment can be started immediately.
Treatment can be scheduled for the month that best suits the couple. In the case of egg recipients, the waiting time is usually one or two months.
How many attempts can I make?

In the case of artificial insemination, here at the clinic we recommend a maximum of four attempts, since 90% of pregnancies occur in the first four cycles.
Regarding In-vitro fertilisation or microinjection, our clinic never makes more than four attempts using these techniques.
In the case of egg donation, it is more difficult to establish a limit, this will normally be determined by psychological and also economic factors.

Can you use these techniques when you have already entered menopause?
Yes. Nowadays, it is possible to become a mother after entering menopause, either physiological due to ovarian failure, or after treatment of neoplastic diseases.
In these cases, the reception of eggs from a donor must be used.
What are the biggest concerns of egg or sperm recipient couples?
Anonymity is what worries most couples and, at Clínica Fertia, this is absolutely always guaranteed. Although a patient accepts to undergo the treatment, they do want the upmost discretion.
Another factor that concerns a couple is the health of the donors and the physical resemblance to them.
In our centre, both in the case of sperm donors and egg donors, our goal is to seek that the physical resemblance is as similar as possible to the parents.
Are these treatments expensive?
For a couple with fertility problems to achieve a pregnancy it can cost between 800 and 6,000 euros, if an assisted reproduction technique is used. Although the price not only depends on the technique used, but also on the frequency of its application.
Clínica Fertia is a pioneer in maintaining an honest and transparent policy. Since 2002 we have published the information of the cost of our treatments on our website.

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