
Clinica Fertia is an assisted reproduction clinic with more than a decade experience in infertility treatments, made up of a multidisciplinary team that is continuously retraining with the common goal of making your dream of becoming a mother come true.

We apply the latest advances in this field and provide personalised treatment to each patient, which enables us to offer the best probabilities of success; all of this in a friendly and caring atmosphere.

Fertility Treatments

At Clinica Fertia we work day by day to resolve female fertility problems. We apply each treatment individually, with personalised protocols and using the latest techniques available. Seeing your dream come true is our goal.

Fertility Techniques

Clinica Fertia incorporates the latest reproductive biology advances in our laboratory; spermatozoid selection techniques, the latest embryo incubation methods, as well as real-time embryo selection and their subsequent cryo-conservation with the greatest survival rates.

Test and Analysis

Clinica Fertia uses diagnostic tests that are personalised for each case – from the most conventional to the most sophisticated genetic tests – in order to achieve the most precise diagnosis in each case, thus enabling us to offer the most suitable treatment and the highest success ratesand the highest success rates.

Other specialities

Book your appointment at Clinica Fertia

Your first fertility consultation is free.