Learn how ovarian stimulation works, which hormones are used, and what side effects to expect during IVF and assisted reproduction treatments.
Fertile Days: How to Identify Them and When Ovulation Occurs
Discover the most common causes of repeat miscarriage, diagnostic strategies and personalised treatments that increase your chances of achieving a successful pregnancy.
Keys to Successful IVF Treatments
In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is one of the most prominent medical advances in the field of assisted reproduction. However, the success of this treatment depends on numerous factors that must be considered to optimise the results.
Do fibroids affect your fertility?
Fibroids affect 70% of women and are the most common benign tumour of the female reproductive system. Although they are often asymptomatic, 30% have...
Endometrial receptivity. Importance in reproductive success
For years, efforts to improve the results in assisted reproduction techniques have focused on improving the stimulation protocols in order to obtain...
Progesterone level monitoring: key to successful assisted reproduction techniques
In the era of personalised medicine, assisted reproduction specialists must not only be concerned with developing the best treatment protocol to...
Impact of progesterone levels on In-vitro fertilization cycles
Progesterone has a determining role in the life of women from puberty, especially after their first menstruation. In this article we want to help...
I would like to be a single mother
Today, 20 percent of single women in Spain resort to assisted reproduction. This number continues to increase despite the fact that reconciling...
Role of anti-mullerian hormone in reproductive medicine
During embryonic development, women have around 7-8 million germ cells, by the time of birth they have been reduced to 1-2 million and by the time...
Adenomyosis, how does it affect pregnancy?
At Clinica Fertia we are committed and work to be able to help our patients in cases that are considered highly complex in gynaecology. One of these...
What is PGT? Preimplantation Genetic Testing
Have you heard of the Preimplantation Genetic Test? PGT is a test to analyze embryonic DNA and determine genetic anomalies. It is a very early...
Pregnancy at 40: Risks and Benefits
Becoming a mum after the age of 40 is becoming increasingly common in Spain. According to the National Statistics Institute (INE), in 2020 there...