Let’s talk about Infertility without taboos. World Infertility Day
The 4th of June is World Infertility Day and all the team at Clínica Fertia want to hi-light the importance of being able to speak about infertility without taboos. It is estimated that in Spain that between 15-17% of the population have fertility problems which gives us an approximate figure of about 800,000 couples. It is quite a significant number which makes it clear to us that they are not isolated cases, there are probably people in our social and family group that are suffering this problem at the moment or have suffered it in the past, without us even knowing it.
At our fertility clinic we believe that speaking openly about infertility is important to give it visibility and eliminate the stigmas and prejudices that surround this topic.

What are the main causes of infertility?
Infertility tends to be thought of as a female problem, however the causes are not always due to the female in a couple:
- 30% of cases are male causes due to: testicular and prostate pathology, duct obstruction, ejaculation or erection disorders and semen disorders.
- Another 30% are female causes due to: early menopause, Endometriosis, fallopian tube disorders, and ovulation disorders, abnormalities in the cervix or uterus.
- 20% are mixed cause due to both members of the couple having a problem.
- And the remaining 20% are of unknown causes.
Finding out about the options available
For social or personal reasons, nowadays it is becoming more common for women to delay the age of motherhood, the problem is that their biological clock does not stop ticking. From the age of 35 there is a significant decrease in the quantity and quality of a woman’s oocytes.
For this reason, we believe that it is also important that we know all the options available to us so that we are able to become mothers in the future. The main option we are referring to is the Vitrification of Oocytes, a technique that consists of freezing the eggs of a woman of childbearing age in order to be able to use them in the future if and when she decides to become a mother.
The main problem we face with this option is the issue of not having all the information early on, as most patients go to a fertility clinic when they are already having problems conceiving, so it is important that we give visibility of the options to preserve our fertility early on in life.
Make an appointment for a free fertility diagnostic study at our fertility clinic.
To mark the occasion of World Infertility Day, here at Clinica Fertia we have launched an awareness campaign to offer a free fertility diagnostic study for the first 50 people who request it.
If you have been trying to get pregnant for a while without any success, we encourage you to take this opportunity to visit our fertility clinic and find out how we can help you.
The importance of finding an infertility diagnosis
Finding a diagnosis is key to determining which treatment will give us more options to achieve your dream of having a baby. At Clínica Fertia we are specialized in highly complex infertility cases such as Endometriosis, Implantation failures and repeated miscarriages.
We strive every day to continue improving and we will study each case in detail to be able to offer the most effective techniques enabling us to offer the best possibilities of success. We offer an excellent level of patient care and are committed to each and every one of our patient’s wellbeing, supporting and accompanying them throughout the entire process.
Trust in personalized reproductive medicine.