Live: The ROPA method

Did you miss our first Facebook Live about The ROPA method?

On the 28th of June to mark the occasion of LGTBI Pride Day, Dr. Vega and Dr. Puente prepared this video that many of our followers were able to watch, helping them to understand the process and clarify any doubts that they had.
Dr. Elena Puente, Gynaecologist and Head of the Fertility Unit at Clinica Fertia, explained what The ROPA method is and what steps are used in the procedure.

It is an assisted reproduction technique in which female couples can opt for a shared motherhood, both women can take part in and share the process of pregnancy.

The acronym ROPA stands for ‘Reception of Oocytes from A Partner ‘. In addition, Dr. Elena answered all the questions from our followers clarifying issues about the legal requirements, the donor selection process, the age of the women and other questions about the treatment.

If you have any questions about the ROPA method, we encourage you to get in touch using our contact form on this web page or contact our team through social media.

Our experts will be happy to answer your questions and advice you on the best way forward.