The treatment and handling of patients with low ovarian reserve is currently a source of controversy, as there is no defined strategy to adopt in...
Let’s talk about Infertility without taboos. World Infertility Day
The 4th of June is World Infertility Day and all the team at Clínica Fertia want to hi-light the importance of being able to speak about infertility...
Up to what age can I become a mother?
Nowadays, this is a frequently asked question by many women because for personal or social reasons more and more women are choosing to delay...
What is Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome?
Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome, or OHSS, is a possible complication that can occur during IVF treatments. It is an abnormally elevated ovary...
What is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and how does it affect fertility?
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is one of the most frequent gynaecological endocrine pathologies, affecting 6-10% of women of a reproductive age. The...
The Covid-19 Vaccine, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
On the 27th of December 2020, the vaccination campaign against the COVID-19 virus began here in Spain. The use of this vaccine, or others that may...
Asherman’s Syndrome. Can it affect your fertility?
The first case of Asherman's Syndrome was recorded in 1894, it is a rare uterine condition in which the presence of adhesions in the uterine cavity...
Double stimulation. A new procedure for Poor Ovarian Reserve.
Poor Ovarian reserve (POR) is one of the biggest challenges faced in assisted reproduction treatments. In this post we explain...
Test Embrace: a new pioneering technique at Clinica Fertia
The most common method of obtaining information on the genetic quality of an embryo is an embryonic biopsy and its subsequent analysis using massive...
Live: The ROPA method
Did you miss our first Facebook Live about The ROPA method? On the 28th of June to mark the occasion of LGTBI Pride Day, Dr. Vega and Dr. Puente...