At Clinica Fertia we are committed and work to be able to help our patients in cases that are considered highly complex in gynaecology. One of these...
Endometriosis, how to avoid late diagnosis of this disease?
One in 10 women is affected by endometriosis, but the actual prevalence may be even higher as it is estimated that 6 out of 10 cases of...
Endometriosis, the clinical history as a fundamental key for its diagnosis
Endometriosis is considered to be a chronic hormonal-dependent inflammatory disease, that is, affected by hormones. This disease influences the...
What is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and how does it affect fertility?
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is one of the most frequent gynaecological endocrine pathologies, affecting 6-10% of women of a reproductive age. The...
The Covid-19 Vaccine, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
On the 27th of December 2020, the vaccination campaign against the COVID-19 virus began here in Spain. The use of this vaccine, or others that may...
Asherman’s Syndrome. Can it affect your fertility?
The first case of Asherman's Syndrome was recorded in 1894, it is a rare uterine condition in which the presence of adhesions in the uterine cavity...
Chronic endometritis. Could it be the reason why you are not getting pregnant?
Chronic endometritis is a common condition but the exact reasons by which chronic endometritis can lead to a compromised fertility still remains...
What food should I eat and what food should I avoid during pregnancy?
Eating properly and maintaining a healthy, balanced diet is crucial during pregnancy for the wellbeing of the mother and to allow the baby to grow...
Double stimulation. A new procedure for Poor Ovarian Reserve.
Poor Ovarian reserve (POR) is one of the biggest challenges faced in assisted reproduction treatments. In this post we explain...
Test Embrace: a new pioneering technique at Clinica Fertia
The most common method of obtaining information on the genetic quality of an embryo is an embryonic biopsy and its subsequent analysis using massive...
Implantation bleeding. What is it and how to recognize it?
Although it may initially cause some concern, implantation bleeding may actually be one of the first signs of pregnancy. This slight bleeding often...
Live: The ROPA method
Did you miss our first Facebook Live about The ROPA method? On the 28th of June to mark the occasion of LGTBI Pride Day, Dr. Vega and Dr. Puente...